Saturday, August 16, 2003

Harold Bloom vs. The School of Resentment

Harold Bloom (literary critic, lover of Hamlet and mortal enemy of Harry Potter) on the infiltration of "cultural studies" in academics in a delightful interview with Jennie Rothenberg of The Atlantic:
". . . To a rather considerable extent, literary studies have been replaced by that incredible absurdity called cultural studies which, as far as I can tell, are neither cultural nor are they studies. But there has always been an arrogance, I think, of the semi-learned.

. . . we have this nonsense called Theory with a capital T, mostly imported from the French and now having evilly taken root in the English-speaking world. And that, I suppose, also has encouraged absurd attitudes toward what we used to call imaginative literature.

. . . the wave of French theory was replaced by the terrible mélange that I increasingly have come to call the School of Resentment—the so-called multiculturalists and feminists who tell us we are to value a literary work because of the ethnic background or the gender of the author. . . . I have sometimes characterized these people as a Rabblement of Lemmings, dashing off the cliff and carrying their supposed subject down to destruction with them."

"Ranting Against Cant"
The Atlantic Unbound, 8/16/03

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