Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Orson Scott Card on John Edwards

Orson Scott Card rips Kerry's choice of VP:

The only mystery is what Edwards knew about himself that we haven't yet seen. What hidden qualities of leadership and wisdom? What fervently held beliefs that could guide his nation through difficult times?

We've seen none of these things, since he has never actually led anybody anywhere, and his opinions seem to be suspiciously close to what an election strategist might have told him it would be useful for him to believe.

Is it possible that what Edwards saw in the mirror on that fateful day was exactly what political flacks saw when they started touting him for President?

"My land, John, you're a good-looking fellow," he might have said to the mirror. "But not too good-looking. You have that semi-goofy boy-next-door quality that will make people vote for you. Especially women -- because you aren't threatening, you're just ... darling."

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