Friday, February 27, 2004

Vicious, Anti-Semitic Film

Joel C. Rosenburg's guest comment on NRO about "a vicious, anti-semitic film":
Israeli Cabinet Minister Natan Sharansky went to Berlin in January to show German, French and other European officials excerpts of a vicious, anti-Semitic film.

With all the media attacks on Mel Gibson and his new film, you might think Sharansky showed excerpts of The Passion of the Christ. He did not. Sharansky wanted European officials to see a real anti-Semitic film. So he showed them excerpts of Al-Shatat ("The Diaspora"), a $5.1 million, 30-part "mini-series" produced by Syrian television. . . . [Read More]

MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) has video clips of the aformentioned film, as well as an article on the key characteristics of Arab anti-semitism. Worth checking out, especially in light of all the misdirected criticism of The Passion.

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